Monday, September 28, 2009


Oh man, so I figured it out.
Tonight is one of those nights where I just can't sleep. I've tried everything I can think of and it's just not working. One of the things I tried was to turn off my computer and try to block things out of my head, but let's all face it, that RARELY ,if ever, works. Eventually, my mind started to wander and thinking about my day tomorrow, well today since it is 5:30 a.m. And I got to thinking over the layers concept again. Trying to sway away from the other few things I've thought of I starting thinking over art. I realized one of my favorite concepts in art that always makes me "zoom in" is this concept I know as stippling, not sure if that's the technical term or not, but that's what I know it as.
So I googled it.
Then wikipedia.
Then clicked on the first artist that caught my attention.
This was very cool. The website is cool in itself, but I love the artwork and the dots behind it.
Since I can't draw for the life of me, I think I'm drawn more to this concept than most others. I started my time here in IUPUI as an Interior Design major, but switched out because a.) my drawing abilities and b.) my math abilities and c.) my lack of wanting to follow all of these building codes and such ( I really would never remember that stuff). Anyways, here's the concept I'm working with now. What if in our homes we had murals on our walls or patterns on the fabric of our furniture done in this stippling artwork? Everyone would always have their noses pressed against the walls trying to see all the little dots because no ever believes it's done that way. I think it's an extremely cool concept. Maybe all of you can let me know your opinions during class.

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